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IES Activities

2017-05-01 The Handover Ceremony of the Director of the Institute of Earth Sciences and the Retirement Symposium of Academician Lou-Chuang Lee.
2017-05-01 The Handover Ceremony of the Director of the Institute of Earth Sciences and the Retirement Symposium of Academician Lou-Chuang Lee.
Dr. Sun-Lin Chung has been officially appointed as the Director of IES, starting...
2017-04-20 Distinguished Research Fellow and Director Lou-Chuang Lee's 70th Birthday Celebration
2017-04-20 Distinguished Research Fellow and Director Lou-Chuang Lee's 70th Birthday Celebration
2017-04-20 Distinguished Research Fellow and Director Lou-Chuang Lee's 70th Birt...
2017-03-23 Dr. Liu, Chun-Chi Senior Research Scientist farewell tea party
2017-03-23 Dr. Liu, Chun-Chi Senior Research Scientist farewell tea party
Dr. Liu, Chun-Chi Senior Research Scientist retired on April 1, 2017. IES held...
2017-01-20  "Eatogether Buffet" for Year 2017 Wei Ya luncheon
2017-01-20 "Eatogether Buffet" for Year 2017 Wei Ya luncheon
"Eatogether Buffet" for Year 2017 Wei Ya luncheon!
2016-11-18 「國科會地震專案小組」45周年紀念研討會
2016-11-18 「國科會地震專案小組」45周年紀念研討會
2016-11-18 「國科會地震專案小組」45周年紀念研討會
2016-10-29 Academia Sinica Open House
2016-10-29 Academia Sinica Open House
Academia Sinica holds open house activities every year to encourage the public t...
2016-09-14 A farewell tea party for Dr. Chung-Ho Wang, Research Fellow and for Dr. Typhoon Lee.
2016-09-14 A farewell tea party for Dr. Chung-Ho Wang, Research Fellow and for Dr. Typhoon Lee.
Dr. Chung-Ho Wang, Research Fellow, will retire on Sep. 30, 2016, IES held a far...
2016 IES Summer Internship
2016 IES Summer Internship
In order to preserve outstanding research talents in the future, the institute e...
2016-07-22 Celebration party for Dr. Sun-Lin Chung, Distinguished Research Fellow, being elected as the 31st Academician
2016-07-22 Celebration party for Dr. Sun-Lin Chung, Distinguished Research Fellow, being elected as the 31st Academician
2016-07-22 Celebration party for Dr. Sun-Lin Chung, Distinguished Research Fello...
2016-07-14 A farewell tea party for Mr. Tsai-Yuan Ho, Technical Specialist.
2016-07-14 A farewell tea party for Mr. Tsai-Yuan Ho, Technical Specialist.
2016-07-14 IES held a farewell tea party for Mr. Tsai-Yuan Ho, Technical Special...