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Academia Sinica Investigator Award

  • Frédéric Deschamps, Core-mantle boundary heat flux from mantle thermo-chemical convection and its impact on core dynamics and geodynamo, 2024/01-2028/12 (5yrs)
  • Sun-Lin Chung, SEA-ACT & Beyond: Asian Orogeny and Continental Evolution, 2023/01 - 2027/12 (5yrs))
  • Wen-Pin Hsieh, High pressure-temperature thermal conductivity and sound velocity of ultralow velocity zones: implications for the complex thermo-chemical structures and dynamics at the core-mantle boundary, 2022/01 - 2026/12 (5yrs)
  • Mao-Chang Liang, Probing gross primary productivity, from local, regional, to global scales and from the present day to the millennium past, 2020/01 - 2024/12 (5yrs)
  • Frédéric Deschamps, The nature and dynamics of seismic large low shear-wave velocity provinces (LLSVPs), 2019/01 - 2023/12 (5yrs)
  • Sun-Lin Chung, Accretionary and Collisional Tectonics in Asia: Studying Continental Orogeny from Magmatic Perspectives thru South East Asia Experiment, 2015/01- 2019/12 (5yrs)
  • Shiann-Jong Lee, An Integration of Computational Seismology Research: The Taiwan Numerical Earthquake Model, 2013/01- 2017/12 (5yrs)
  • Der-Chuen Lee, Naturally occurring stable isotope fractionations, in addition to the conventional H, C, N, O, and S, have been reported in various primitive and differentiated meteorites,   2006/01-2010/12 (5yrs)

Career Development Award

  • Hsin-Hua Huang, High-resolution probing of earthquake and landquake slip zone process with fiber-optic sensing: A cross-scale field experiment and viewpoint), 2022/01 - 2026/12 (5yrs)
  • Kwan-Nang Pang, Primitive magmas as probes of sub-orogenic mantle in subduction and collision zones), 2020/01-2024/12 (5yrs)
  • Kuo-Lung Wang, Tracking ancient mantle evolution: geochemical investigation of ophiolites and mantle xenoliths in the Aldan Shield, Siberian Craton, 2018/01-2022/12 (5yrs)
  • Wen-Pin Hsieh, Thermal conductivity and elastic property of deep Earth materials under extreme pressure-temperature conditions, 2017/01-2021/12 (5yrs)
  • Ya-Ju Hsu, Modeling of earthquake-cycle slip and slow-moving landslides using the rate-and-state friction law, 2016/01-2020/12 (5yrs)
  • Frederic Deschamps, Dynamics and structure of planetary mantles: observations and models, 2013/01 - 2017/12 (5yrs)
  • Li Zhao, Full-wave finite-frequency  global seismic tomography, 2009/01-2013/12 (5yrs)

Grand Challenges Program

  • Ya-Ju Hsu: Earthquake and tsunami hazard assessment along the Taiwan plate boundary zone using seafloor geodesy, 2021/01/01~2024/12/31 (4yrs)
  • Kuo-Fong Ma: Fault zone drilling and borehole observatory toward the understanding of earthquake dynamics and precursors, 2020/07/01~2022/6/30 (2yrs)

Grand Challenge Seed Program

  • Mao-Chang Liang: Plant uptake and the associated carbon cycling fluxes from terrarium experiments, 2019/01~2020/12 (2yrs)

Sustainability Science Research Program

  • Yunung Nina Lin, Li-Yu Liu, and Chih-Yung Teng:AgriSAR Taiwan–Rice Phenology and Yield Prediction, 2025/01 - 2025/12
  • Mao-Chang Liang, Shau-Ku Huang:Investigation of ambient air particulate matter oxidative potential as a critical respiratory health risk parameter, 2022/01 - 2024/12
  • Jian-Cheng Lee, Shih-Chun Candice Lung:Operation Project for the International Cooperative Joint Office of IRDR ICoE-Taipei and Future Earth, Taipei, 2020/06 - 2022/12
  • Cheng-Horng Lin, Bor-Shouh Huang:Multiple Applications of Broadband Seismic Array on Natural Disaster Prevention, 2013/01 -2015/12
  • Kuo-Fong Ma, Ban-Yuan Kuo: Taiwan Thermal Model:Understanding the arc-continent collisional processes and geothermal systems, 2013/01 - 2015/12

Thematic Research Program

  • Cheng-Hong Lin / Kerry Sieh: Tatun Volcanic Group: From Hazards to Risk, 2024/01-2026/12(3yrs)
  • Bor-Shouh Huang / Yue-Gau Chen: Geotectonic structure, seismogenic fault, and earthquake early-warning system along the gigantic subduction zone in South Pacific, 2021/01-2023/12(3yrs)
    •  Sub-Projects
      1. Yue-Gau Chen: Seismogenic fault behavior and earthquake early warning along subduction zone in South Pacific: real-time upgrades of established seismic and geodetic networks
      2. Tai-Lin Tseng: Exploring the double-subduction structure in South Pacific with earthquake focal mechanisms
      3. Hao Kuo-Chen :  Seismic imaging of the subduction structure in South Pacific
  • Yu-Chang Chan: Understanding the Landslide and Erosion Processes: Multidisciplinary Research on Landslide Detection, Slope Failure, and Sediment Transport, 
    2019/01- 2021/12(3yrs)
    • Sub-Projects
      1. Yu-Nung Lin, Cheng-Horng Lin : Determining landslide parameters and locations with seismic network and automated InSAR monitoring
      2. Hsin-Hua Huang, Shiann-Jong Lee : Analyzing landslide slip characteristics and topography effects with geophysical monitoring and seismic wave simulation
      3. Yu-Chang Chan, Wei-An Chao, J. Bruce H. Shyu : Characterizing physical erosion and sediment transport processes at short-term and geological time scales
      4. Kuo-Fang Huang, Li-Hung Lin : Exploring chemical weathering and sediment transport processes using isotope geochemistry
  • Ban-Yuan Kuo: Imaging the Ryukyu subduction system: Dynamics, structure, and earthquake potential, 
    2015/01- 2019/12 (5yrs)
    • Sub-Projects
      1. Ban-Yuan Kuo, Kuo-Lung Wang: Structure of the Okinawa trough and the dynamics of the Ryukyu subduction zone inferred from OBS data
      2. Shu-Huei Hung: 3-D anatomy of the Ryukyu subduction zone from mutliscale finite-frequency traeveltime tomography
      3. Li Zhao: Full-wave Inversions for the Anisotropy and Anelasticity Structures of the Ryukyu Subduction Zone
      4. Yuan-Cheng Gung: Resolving 3D seismic anisotropy of the Ryukyu subduction zone using ambient seismic noises
      5. Eh Tan: Investigating the thermal structures and mantle flow dynamics of the Ryukyu subduction zone
      6. Hui-Hsuan Chen: Seismogenesis of megathrust earthquakes in the Ryukyu subduction zone
  • Lou-Chuang Lee: Earthquake Precursors: Monitoring and Research, 2013/01- 2013/12
  • Benjamin Fong Chao: Main Project Understanding the Life of the Tatun Volcanic Group:Integrated Analysis of Geophysical, Geochemical and Geodetic Observations, 2012/01-2014/12 (3yrs)
    • Sub-Projects
      1. Cheng-Horng Lin: Integrated crustal deformation monitoring at Tatun volcanic Group
      2. Tsanyao Frank Yang: Evaluating the activity of potential magma chamber in Tatun Volcanic Group based on the study of fluid/gas geochemistry and estimation of volcanic gas emission)
      3. Cheinway Huang: Mass transfer and Deformation Monitoring over the Tatun Volcanic Group by Terrestrial Gravimetry)
      4. Yu-Chang Chan: Geomorphic Reanalysis of the Tatun Volcanic Group Using Airborne LiDAR Data)
      5. Chang-Hwa Chen: The most recent volcanic eruption and climate change in Tatun Volcanic Group, northern Taiwan)
  • Jeen-Hwa Wang: Strong Motions, Active Faults, and Earthquakes in the Taipei Metropolitan Area (SAFE-Taipei)), 2005-2007  (3yrs)
  • Typhoon Lee: DUST-BUSTER), 2002-2004 (3yrs)
  • Teh-Quei Lee: Asian paleo-environment changes (II): Holocene high-resolution paleo-climate reconstruction in Taiwan and its neighboring area), 2003/01-2005/12 (3yrs)
  • Teh-Quei Lee: Asian paleo-environment changes (I): Land-sea correlation and linkage), 1999/07-2002/6 (3yrs)
  • Teh-Quei Lee: Cenozoic tectonic & geodynamic study in Xinjiang, western China), 1998/07-2001/6 (3yrs)