Dr. Yu-Chang Chan and Dr. Wen-Pin Hsieh became deputy directors.
Dr. Sun-Lin Chung became the Director.
Dr. Cheng-Horng Lin and Dr. Li Zhao became deputy directors
and were succeeded by Dr. Cheng-Horng Lin and Dr. Yu-Chang Chan in January 2018.
Dr. Lou-Chunag Lee became the Director.
Dr. Chung-Ho Wang and Dr. Li Zhao became deputy directors and were succeeded by Dr. Tzen-Fu Yui and Dr. Li Zhao in February 2015.
Dr. Lou-Chunag Lee became the Acting Director.
Dr. Chung-Ho Wang and Dr. Li Zhao became deputy directors.
Dr. Benjamin Fong Chao became the Director.
Dr. Chang-Hwa Chen became deputy director and was succeeded by Dr. Tzen-Fu Yui in May 2013.
Dr. Bor-ming Jahn became the director.
Dr. Tzen-Fu Yui and Dr. Bor-Shouh Huang became deputy directors and were succeeded by Dr. Chang-Hwa Chen. Then Dr. Chen was succeeded by Dr. Jian-Cheng Lee and Dr. Cheng-Horng Lin.
Completion of the new facility
Completed the 2-story annex building for labs and equipments.
Nari Typhoon Hazzard
IES building was flooded by the Nari Typhoon, lost everything in the basement including equipment, instruments, and documents.
Dr. Typhoon Lee became the Director.
Dr. Shui-Beih Yu and Dr. Ban-Yuan Kuo became deputy directors.
921 Chi-Chi earthquake
IES mandated to elevate earthquake physics and crustal deformation research. Set up “Environmental Change Research Project" that is to become the Research Center for Environmental Change of the Academia Sinica.
Dr. Yih-Hsiung Yeh became the Director.
Dr. Chung-Ho Wang became the deputy director and was succeeded by Dr. Ching-Ying Lan.
IES physically moved to the main AS campus in Nankang, Taipei.
Dr. Francis T. Wu became the Acting Director.
Set up the High Pressure Lab.
Set up the High Pressure Lab.
Dr. Yeong Tein Yeh became the Director.
Dr. Typhoon Lee became the deputy director and was succeeded by Dr. Chung-Ho Wang.
Dr. Yeong Tein Yeh (Deputy Director) became the Acting Director
(Dr. Tsai departed for the USA).
The Institute of Earth Sciences (IES) was formally inaugurated.
Dr. Yi-Ben Tsai was appointed the first Director. The IES Advisory Committee was formed.
Set up new research group
Set up the Isotope Geochemistry Group and the Tectonophysics Group.
The Interim Office for the Institute of Earth Sciences was established
Dr. Yi-Ben Tsai as interim director.
Seismology Group was formed within the Institute of Physics of the Academia Sinica.
New 2-story building next to the Institute of Oceanography of National Taiwan University. Dr. Yi-Ben Tsai was appointed group lead.
Launched island-wide networks of seismometers and accelerographs.
Launched island-wide networks of seismometers and accelerographs.
National Science Council established a Seismology Task Force
Housed in the Institute of Oceanography of National Taiwan University. Dr. Shih-Kao Yiu was appointed as head.
Kick-off of the long-term earthquake research in Taiwan
Upon the request of Dr. Ta-You Wu, then Chairman of the National Science Council, Professors Ta-Liang Teng, Francis T. Wu and Yi-Ben Tsai proposed a plan for long-term earthquake research in Taiwan.