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2022-12-22 (Thu) Geoclub Special Session |Dr. Seng-hian Lau (in Chinese)
IES Talks

2022-12-22 (Thu) Geoclub Special Session |Dr. Seng-hian Lau (in Chinese)

Speaker:Dr. Seng-hian Lau(Associate Professor, Department of Taiwan Culture, Languages and Literature, National Taiwan Normal University)
Date:2022/12/22 14:30
Venue:3rd Floor Library
Host:Dr. Seng-hian Lau(Associate Professor, Department of Taiwan Culture, Languages and Literature, National Taiwan Normal University)

Speaker: Dr. Seng-hian Lau(Associate Professor, Department of Taiwan Culture, Languages and Literature, National Taiwan Normal University)

Date: 12/22 (Thu) 14:30

Venue: IES Library (3rd floor, IES building)

Title: 台語有路用!不只解開語言奧祕,還能成為財富密碼(中文講座/in Chinese)

Speaker intro: 台大財金系畢業,在券商、電子公司及媒體工作多年後,才到台師大台文系讀碩士,並決心鑽研句法學, 2017 年於清大語言學研究所取得博士學位。 碩博生時期曾擔任《台文通訊BONG報》等台文雜誌文字編輯。 論文及教科書以外,出版了《翻身.番身》及《倒轉:Voyu Taokara Lâu 台語短篇小說集》兩本短篇小說集。