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::: Home/Seminars/2020-03-12 (Thu)(Cancellation) Dr. Atsushi Nakao:Asian dust, a gift from the continental desert to reduce radiocesium transfer risk from soil to plant

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2020-03-12 (Thu)(Cancellation) Dr. Atsushi Nakao:Asian dust, a gift from the continental desert to reduce radiocesium transfer risk from soil to plant
IES Talks

2020-03-12 (Thu)(Cancellation) Dr. Atsushi Nakao:Asian dust, a gift from the continental desert to reduce radiocesium transfer risk from soil to plant

Speaker:Dr. Atsushi Nakao (Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, Kyoto Prefectural University)
Date:2020/03/12 15:00
Venue:2nd Floor Lecture Hall
Host:Ching-Chou Fu / Assistant Research Fellow

*** Cancel Announcement ***

We regret to inform you that this seminar has been canceled due to unexpected situation. 

Thank you for your understanding.


Speaker: Dr. Atsushi Nakao (Department of Life and Environmental Sciences,
Kyoto Prefectural University)

Date: 03/12 (Thu) 15:00

Title: Asian dust, a gift from the continental desert to reduce radiocesium transfer risk
from soil to plant

Host: Ching-Chou Fu / Assistant Research Fellow

Asian dust is known to contribute greatly to the marine nutrient cycle. Their role to improve
soil functions has been paid little attention. Fine-mica, which is one of the main components
of Asian dust, has a specific adsorption site for radiocesium. Therefore, we hypothesized that
Asian dust contributes greatly to increase the ability of soils in Japan to retain radiocesium,
and therefore to reduce the soil-to-plant transfer risks after the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear
disaster. In this seminar, I will introduce how we can estimate the incorporation of Asian dust
in soils by using isotopic analysis. Then, I will introduce several case studies to clarify the
actual contribution of Asian dust to increase the ability to retain radiocesium in Japan.