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A thermally conductive Martian core and implications for its dynamo cessation
Geophysics and Geodynamics

A thermally conductive Martian core and implications for its dynamo cessation


Mars experienced a dynamo process that generated a global magnetic field ~4.3 (or earlier) to 3.6 billion years ago (Ga). The cessation of this dynamo strongly affected Mars’ history and is expected to be linked to thermochemical evolution of Mars’ iron-rich liquid core, which is strongly influenced by its thermal conductivity. Here, we directly measured thermal conductivities of solid iron-sulfur alloys to pressures relevant to the Martian core and temperatures to 1023 Kelvin. Our results show that a Martian core with 16 weight % sulfur has a thermal conductivity of ~19 to 32 Watt meter−1 Kelvin−1 from its top to the center, much higher than previously inferred from electrical resistivity measurements. Our modeled thermal conductivity profile throughout the Martian deep-mantle and core indicates a ~4- to 6-fold discontinuity across the core-mantle boundary. The core’s efficient cooling resulting from the depth-dependent, high conductivity diminishes thermal convection and forms thermal stratification, substantially contributing to cessation of Martian dynamo.

Full Article:
Hsieh, W. P., Deschamps, F., Tsao, Y. C., Yoshino, T., & Lin, J. F. (2024). A thermally conductive Martian core and implications for its dynamo cessation. Science Advances, 10(12), eadk1087.