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From a City to a Country: Multi-scale SAR Processing Techniques and Applications


The project is part of the phase-I “FORMOSAT Satellite Science and Application Project” funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology (now National Science and Technology Council, NSTC), Taiwan. The goal is to prepare for the phase-III space project under National Space Organization (NSPO) from multiple aspects, including technological innovation, data integration, practical application, and industrial cooperation.

Establish and introduce state-of-art synthetic aperture radar (SAR) processing techniques
Integrate multi-field data for interdisciplinary scientific issues
Explore solutions to contemporary issues with new space technologies
Establish databases for community usage


Contact Us

11529 Address:128, Sec. 2, Academia Road, Nangang, Taipei 11529, Taiwan
Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
+886 2-27839910

About the PROJECT

In 2020, the Department of Natural Sciences and Sustainable Development under MOST established a new interdisciplinary research alliance, the Taiwan Space Union (TSU), and proposed the FORMOSAT Satellite Science and Application Project. This project aims to address critical issues in the society via space technology and to trigger positive feedbacks to the development of the space industry in Taiwan.
In 2020, the Institute of Earth Sciences at Academia Sinica, the Department of Civil Engineering at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, and the Department of Geosciences at National Taiwan University collaboratively reacted to the call of MOST and proposed this integrated project From a City to a Country: Multi-scale SAR Processing Techniques and Applications. We propose new applications of SAR adapted to different radar wavelengths, image sizes, spatial resolutions, coherence decays, and sensitivities to tropospheric and ionospheric disturbances. The main theme is to investigate use cases at different spatial scales and radar wavelengths. Currently, most of the proposed methods and applications are under the proof of concept stage; we envision that the outcome of this project can lay the foundation for the progress of SAR in Taiwan.

Subprojects in 2021-2022

Get Ready for FORMOSAT-10: Test of X-band SAR Use Cases
Researchers: Yi-Ching Chen, Tian-Yuan Shih, Tee-Ann Teo, Yu Wang, and Yunung Nina Lin, The goal is to explore the applications of X-band SAR data. In particular, the project compares the performances of SAR data with and without precise orbit determination.
Yi-Ching Chen
Yi-Ching Chen
Tian-Yuan Shih
Tian-Yuan Shih
Tee-Ann Teo
Tee-Ann Teo
Yu Wang
Yu Wang
Yunung Nina Lin
Yunung Nina Lin
Assimilation of Cloud-Top Properties and GNSS Delays for InSAR Tropospheric Correction
The project aims to build the regional atmospheric correction model in Taiwan using the assimilation of GNSS delays and cloud-top properties. The delay model may serve the entire InSAR community in the near future.
Hsin Tung
Hsin Tung
Yunung Nina Lin
Yunung Nina Lin
Chian-Yi Liu
Chian-Yi Liu
Assimilation of SAR-based TEC for Regional Ionospheric Mapping
The goal is to extract ionospheric phases from SAR data and to assimilate with the regional TEC model.
Tian-Yuan Shih
Tian-Yuan Shih
Yunung Nina Lin
Yunung Nina Lin
Chia-Hung Chen
Chia-Hung Chen