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::: Home/News/The paper “In situ observation of mass ejections caused by magnetic reconnections in the ionosphere of Mars” was published in Nature Astronomy (April 2024). This study was led by Academician Lou-Chuang Lee of Academia Sinica and Professor Xiao-Jun Xu of Macau University of Science and Technology.


The paper “In situ observation of mass ejections caused by magnetic reconnections in the ionosphere of Mars” was published in Nature Astronomy (April 2024). This study was led by Academician Lou-Chuang Lee of Academia Sinica and Professor Xiao-Jun Xu of Macau University of Science and Technology.

The paper “In situ observation of mass ejections caused by magnetic reconnections in the ionosphere of Mars” was published in Nature Astronomy (April 2024). This study was led by Academician Lou-Chuang Lee of Academia Sinica and Professor Xiao-Jun Xu of Macau University of Science and Technology.

    在太陽和其他恒星上,由磁場活動(如磁重聯)引發的爆發性日冕物質拋射(Coronal Mass Ejection, CME)是一種常見現象。然而,這種爆發性現象是否能在帶有大氣層的磁化或部分磁化的行星上發生,尚未有定論。我們的這項研究通過分析探測火星的MAVEN衛星數據,從測量到的火星大氣/電離層的密度、流速及磁場強度,揭示了火星電離層中,由於地殼磁場區域之間的磁重聯,會引發爆發性物質拋射事件。這一發現為我們理解行星大氣層的磁場活動提供了新的視角。





Ye, Y., Xu, X., Lee, LC. et al. In situ observation of mass ejections caused by magnetic reconnections in the ionosphere of Mars. Nat Astron (2024).

“In situ observation of mass ejections caused by magnetic reconnections in the ionosphere of Mars”的研究成果發表於Nature Astronomy《自然天文》期刊,論文的第一作者為葉煜東博士(原為澳科大博士後),通訊作者為澳科大徐曉軍副教授和中央研究院地球所李羅權院士,(Nature Astronomy, April 2024;。

In this paper, in situ data of Mars satellite mission MAVEN was analyzed. Direct evidence was found for explosive mass ejections from Mars ionosphere through magnetic reconnections between strong crustal field regions with open magnetic fields. The mass ejections by magnetic reconnection in the Mars ionospheric lead to Mars mass loss and are very similar to the observed solar coronal mass ejections (CMEs).

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