Preseismic anomalies in soil-gas radon associated with 2016 M 6.6 Meinong earthquake, Southern Taiwan
Ching-Chou Fu, Vivek Walia, Tsanyao Frank Yang, Lou-Chuang Lee, Tsung-Kwei Liu, Cheng-Hong Chen, Arvind Kumar, Shih-Jung Lin, Tzu-Hua Lai, and Kuo-Liang Wen
Volume 28, Number 5 (October 2017), 787-798
Times Cited: 10
The 2016 Meinong earthquake to TEM PSHA2015
Ya-Ting Lee, Yu-Ju Wang, Chung-Han Chan, and Kuo-Fong Ma
Volume 28, Number 5 (October 2017), 703-713
Times Cited: 10