Collected the first three academic 3D seismic reflection datasets offshore Taiwan. Help set up the 3D seismic reflection capability for our domestic research vessel (OR5). (Berndt et al., 2016; Klaucke et al., 2015)
Derived more than 1000 heat flow values on Taiwan and its offshore regions (Chi and Reed, 2008). Such dataset will be important for future geodynamical studies on mountain-building and collision processes. Found strong topographic effects on this heat flow datasets using 3D finite element methods (Chen et al., 2014).
Developed new 1D, 2D, and 3D methods to study the fluid migration patterns offshore SW Taiwan using seismic data (Chen et al., 2014).
Derive a complete earthquake moment tensor catalog of Taiwan from 1990 to 2006 using strong motion waveforms, compared with the BATS catalog started in 1996 (Chang et al., 2011). l
Developed a new method to study the finite fault processes of the moderate earthquakes (Mw5-6) (Chang et al., in preparation).
Developed a new method on empirical Green’s function that considers the moment release ratio between the mainshock and the aftershock to study the finite fault processes of earthquakes ranging from Mw1 to Mw5.
Developed a new method to monitor the turning of a typhoon in realtime using seismic waveforms. (Chi et al., 2010a; Chi et al., 2010b)
Developed a new method to use an array of translational seismometers to derive rotational ground motions. (Chi et al., 2013) l Documented the finite fault rupture sequences of Chi-Chi mainshock and its large aftershocks. Evidence shows that the incoming basement highs to the convergent zone limited the size of the Chi-Chi mainshock. (Chi and Dreger, 2014)
Found evidence of tectonic wedging along the rear of the offshore Taiwan accretionary prism. Proposed a retrowedge model to explain both the landslide and fault shearing features found in the Lichi Melange. (Chi et al. 2003; Chi et al., 2014)
Documented the aerial extend of the offshore gas hydrate stability zone (Chi et al., 1998). We found large amount of gas hydrates offshore southern Taiwan. We are studying the possibility of using hydrates as an alternative energy source and study its potential impact on submarine landslides and climate changes.