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2010-08-30 The Handover Ceremony of the Director of the Institute of Earth Sciences

2010-08-30  The Handover Ceremony of the Director of the Institute of Earth Sciences
Dr. Benjamin Fong Chao has been officially appointed as the Director of IES, starting from Sep. 01, 2010.
We would like to express our sincere appreciation to Dr. Bor-ming Jahn for his valuable contributions during their tenure. With gratitude, we warmly welcome Dr. Benjamin Fong Chao as our Director of IES.
In honor of this occasion, the IES Director Handover Ceremony will be held on Aug. 30, 2010, in the IES 2F Auditorium, with the distinguished presence of President Chi-Huey Wong as the host.
2010-08-30 新、卸任所長交接典禮
2010-08-30 新、卸任所長交接典禮