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::: Home/Seminars/Assessing the thermal gradient approaches used to reconstruct the evolution of the East Asian Winter Monsoon over the past 25 ky in the southern South China Sea: Perspectives from multi-proxy paleotemperature records

Geochem Seminar

Assessing the thermal gradient approaches used to reconstruct the evolution of the East Asian Winter Monsoon over the past 25 ky in the southern South China Sea: Perspectives from multi-proxy paleotemperature records
Geochem Seminar

Assessing the thermal gradient approaches used to reconstruct the evolution of the East Asian Winter Monsoon over the past 25 ky in the southern South China Sea: Perspectives from multi-proxy paleotemperature records

Speaker:Ms. Ai-Lin Chen (Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica)
Date:2023/11/28 15:00
Venue:Room 611, Institute of Earth Sciences