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::: Home/Seminars/2021-12-01 (Wed) Dr. Feisal Dirgantara:Deepwater stratigraphic development off southwestern Taiwan:Impact on gas hydrates and thermal signatures

IES Talks

2021-12-01 (Wed) Dr. Feisal Dirgantara:Deepwater stratigraphic development off southwestern Taiwan:Impact on gas hydrates and  thermal signatures
IES Talks

2021-12-01 (Wed) Dr. Feisal Dirgantara:Deepwater stratigraphic development off southwestern Taiwan:Impact on gas hydrates and thermal signatures

Speaker:Dr. Feisal Dirgantara (Postdoctoral Fellow, IESAS)
Date:2021/12/01 14:30
Venue:2nd Floor Lecture Hall
Host:Yunung Nina Lin / Assistant Research Fellow

Speaker: Dr. Feisal Dirgantara (Postdoctoral Fellow, IESAS)

Date: 12/01 (Wed) 14:30

Title: Deepwater stratigraphic development off southwestern Taiwan:
Impact on gas hydrates and thermal signatures

Host: Yunung Nina Lin / Assistant Research Fellow