時間 Time:1月6日下午2:30 Jan. 6, 2:30 PM
地點 Venue:地球所三樓圖書館 IES Library at Level 3
Talk 1: Field and synthetic waveform tests on using large-offset seismic streamer data to derive shallow seabed shear velocity and geotechnical properties
Speaker: Sebastian Wege
PhD Student
Research Supervisor: 戚務正 Wu-Cheng Chi
Talk 2: Coulomb stress changes triggering surface pop-up during the 2016 Mw 6.4 Meinong earthquake with implications for earthquake-induced mud diapiring in SW Taiwan
Speaker: 梅慧英 Hue Anh Mai
TIGP PhD Student
Research Supervisor: 李建成 Jian-Cheng Lee
All are welcome!