中央研究院地球科學研究所 2024年「大學生暑期研習計畫」 (2024/3/28 更新)
四、研究期間:自民國113年7月1日(週一)- 8月31日(週六),計2個月。研究時間為全時上班為主,若研究期間有無法全程參與的情形,請於申請文件中說明(例:學校安排的必修課程時間與研究期間重疊),將於審閱申請資料時評估,仍有錄取機會。
1. (新題目請見#13;Please see project #13 for Dr. Nina Lin's new project details.)
(本題目因為NISAR延後發射而取消;This project is canceled due to the postponed launch schedule of NISAR)
探索NISAR:早期採用者計畫Exploring NISAR: Early Adopter Initiative (主持人:林玉儂 助研究員)
A joint venture by NASA (USA) and ISRO (India), the synthetic aperture radar satellite NISAR will soon be launched this year. Have you already sensed the excitement in the air? Do you want to become an early adopter of the data from this satellite? Join us to make contribution to NISAR’s post-launch calibration and validation!
2. Using seismic waveforms to track debris flows and turbiditic currents onshore and offshore Taiwan (主持人:戚務正 研究員)
摘要:Onshore debris flows and offshore turbidity currents can cause large damages to our society. For example, >90% of trans pacific internet communication is done using submarine cable that can sometimes be broken by offshore turbidity currents triggered by earthquakes and typhoons. Here we want to remotely monitor these events using broadband and short period seismic waveforms onshore and offshore Taiwan to study these hazardous events. Array methods will be used to study seismic source processes of these events. We wish to work with students who are interested in seismic waveform studies using computational techniques. The students will learn seismic signal processing and passive source seismology.
3. Applications of stable isotopes for probing changing Earth (主持人:梁茂昌 研究員)
摘要:Stable isotopes have been used widely to constrain fundamental aspects of changing Earth, including changing climate and environments. The opportunity is provided for those who are interested in the applications of conventional (such as δD, δ13C, δ18O) and unconventional (such as Δ17O, Δ47) isotope techniques for various scientific problems. Changing climate and environments due to human alterations at various ways are topics of public interest. The changes modulated with water and greenhouse gases are driven by and reflected in their cycles in the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere. The program contains two components. First one is to measure the major greenhouse gases such as CO2, N2O, and water in the troposphere and/or from volcanic emissions, and also feedbacks from those to the biosphere. One specific component related to this is to understand the sources and processes that affect water resources in Taipei, such as the changes of moisture and atmospheric transport due to climatic variabilities such as ENSO. The second part is to decode climate signals encoded in geological archives such as well-preserved mollusks. Applicable students are advised to choose to work on one, but not limited to, of the problems.
4. 數值高程資料之處理與3D構造地質製圖應用 (主持人:詹瑜璋 研究員)
摘要:參與本計畫的學生將學習如何進行無人機航拍規劃,深入了解UAV LiDAR點雲和數值地形模型的特點,以及使用數值航測方法製作高精度的數值地形模型。同時,學生將學習如何將獲取的資料輸入三維資訊系統,並運用三維分析模組進行精細的地層和地質構造解析工作。本計畫歡迎對野外地質學、構造地質學、地理資訊系統、基礎程式設計、無人機操作、各類電腦軟體操作以及三維空間資訊分析有基礎或高度興趣的同學報名參加。
5. Crustal tectonics under the western Central Taiwan (主持人:梁文宗 研究技師, 吳大銘通信研究員)
摘要:It is well-established that Taiwan is largely the product of ongoing collision between the Eurasian and Philippine Sea plates, but the resulting physical processes at depth that led to create the mountains to rise and faults to move to create earthquakes are not yet totally deciphered. With high quality data and advances in seismology, the associated faults, their possible orientations as well as motions during the earthquakes can be determined and locations of earthquakes can be post-processed and improved to determine the nature of the “blind-faults”. This project will be centered on the relocation of small earthquakes in the western Central Range, in association with the more than 200 M>3 events for which BATS moment-tensor solutions are available. These earthquakes range in depth from a few kilometers to nearly 30 km. By relocating the hypocenters, we expect to be able to determine the distribution and geometry of subsurface faults, the directions of motion along these faults and the directions of the associated stresses as well as their variations in the region.
The student will conduct research with Dr. Wen-Tzong Liang and Francis T. Wu, beginning with data collection from BATS and CWASN, learning about earthquake location and focal mechanisms and conduct computation, in association with works by Drs Liang and Wu. The extent of student work will be commensurate with student’s level of learning, but will learn about basic seismological tools and the tectonics of Taiwan.
6. 合成下地幔物質並探索其物理性質及對地幔動力學之影響 (主持人:謝文斌 研究員)
謝文斌實驗室 https://sites.google.com/site/whsieh2
7. 高精度熱游離質譜儀分析術於微小標本上的建立及應用(主持人:劉怡偉 助研究員)
摘要:同位素系統作為地球化學領域下最強大的分析工具之一,常能提供我們更多資訊去了解地球環境和氣候在不同時間及空間尺度下的變化及變化背後的控制機制。而分析技術的進步更能開拓同位素系統的應用空間。在今年的暑期計劃中,我們將利用所上的高精度質譜儀,建立針對1 ng以下的鍶、釹同位素系統的分析方法,並應用在地質標本分析上。由於樣本需求量的減少,可以大幅增加地球化學記錄的時間解析度,或是增加樣品的種類以對更多的議題進行探索。參與計劃的同學預計在兩個月的研習期間可接觸到高精度熱游離質譜儀的操作分析、樣本的篩選處理,無塵室內同位素的純化實驗。歡迎對同位素地球化學,生物地球化學,地球環境變化以及海洋大氣循環有興趣的同學報名,加入我們的研究團隊!
8. (A)The association of the 20220918 and 19511124 Chihshang earthquake sequences (B) Exploring earthquake physics using optical fiber(主持人:馬國鳳 特聘研究員)
(A)The association of the 20220918 and 19511124 Chihshang earthquake sequences
20220917及20220918關山及池上地震在破裂形式上類似1951年11月24號池上地震系列。但這兩個地震的相關性,在不同的研究主題分析中,存在有不同的見解。我們希望透過搜集及分析1951年11月24號的相關歷史地震紀錄,及透過全球其它國家記載的地震紀錄,特別是日本地震站的紀錄。 以現在的地震科學方法,透果地震走時及波形分析,理解這兩個地震系列的可能相關性。
(B)Exploring earthquake physics using optical fiber
9. 建立隱沒帶的數值動力模型(主持人:譚諤 副研究員)
摘要:本計畫將以數值模擬的方式,建構隱沒帶的動力模型(如圖 https://tan2.github.io/research/subduction.anim.gif),探討全球各個隱沒帶形成的因素。參與學生將設置、執行、分析一個動力模型, 學習到叢集電腦的使用、Python資料處理及繪圖。
10. Reconstruction of past changes in the ocean environment using multi-isotope proxies of marine carbonate 以海洋碳酸鈣之多重同位素代用指標重建過去海洋環境之變遷(主持人:黃國芳 副研究員)
11. 臺灣水資源管理中的挑戰與機遇: 地球物理方法在水文調查中的應用(主持人:許雅儒 研究員)
12. 噪聲地震學,張裂/剪切帶,與貝式推論(主持人:郭本垣 研究員)
摘要:今年的暑期計畫分兩項。(1) 一是延續 “陣列分析”,將噪聲地震學擴展到非洲大陸。技術上,繼續 “學習” 如何使用 machine learning來分析大數據。(2) 二是精進 Bayesian 統計法來逆推地球內部動力系統。
(1) 環境中的主要噪聲 (或叫雜訊) 來自海浪與海流,高強度噪聲能在地殼中以地震波的形式傳播甚遠;沿著地表傳播的噪聲就是傳統地震學中的表面波。地球所(IES)與台大地質系(Geoscience)合作多年,利用噪聲表面波來探討地殼構造,在台灣,琉球等處著墨甚多,並對當地構造產生新的見解。在2024暑假,本團隊 (IES-Geoscience) 希望離開台灣越遠越好,以增進學生視野;非洲裂谷便是可能目標。 (2) 去年的暑期生使用 Bayesian inversion分析在加州 San Andreas斷層帶上量取的 anisotropy (非均向性),其成果已經發展成一篇論文的雛型。今年將擴展到紐西蘭與土耳其,企圖涵蓋更多的大陸岩石圈剪切帶,並再多學一點Bayesian inversion。去年是一場學習之旅,今年老師與學生繼續學習 !
13. 風電+InSAR:基樁穩定性監測 (主持人:林玉儂 副研究員)
Wind Power + InSAR: Foundation Pile Stability Monitoring
To achieve net zero emissions by 2050, Taiwan has invested in various new energy developments in recent years, among which the layout of offshore wind power is the most complete and mature. However, due to the soft sediments on the seabed of the Taiwan Strait, several pile slippage incidents have occurred in recent years. These incidents highlight the necessity of long-term monitoring of foundation pile stability. This summer intern project will explore the feasibility of using synthetic aperture radar to detect the stability of piles in offshore Changhua, providing valuable insights for those who are interested in the hot topic of Wind Power + InSAR!
1. 報名及資料繳交請至連結填寫: https://forms.gle/oE6Jtj9KFhg5G1DN9
2. 簡歷表(含姓名、出生年月日、性別、就讀學校年級、聯絡電話、e-mail)
(a) 簡單自傳書寫對地球科學的概念與興趣,如:1) 簡要自我介紹;2) 參與動機;3) 對地球科學的認識;4) 過去學習背景;5) 有興趣的主題;6)其他。
(b) 提供兩名以上可以提供推薦意見的老師之e-mail或辦公室電話。
3. 各學期成績證明。(總成績若為百分制,請務必轉換為GPA)
4. 其他補充資料(例如:若有無法全時參與之情況,請於此處說明。)
5. 計畫志願順序。*註:請審慎評估
1. 生活津貼:研習期間由計畫主持人補助每位學員2個月生活津貼新台幣30,000元。
2. 保險費用:本所於研習期間為參與學員辦理投保意外險。
1. 期中口頭報告:7月底辦理;
2. 期末成果報告:8月底辦理,將研究成果製成海報,參加本所舉辦之海報成果展,成績優異者,將頒予特優、優等、佳作獎狀。
報名及資料繳交連結QR Code