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許雅儒 / Hsu, Ya-Ju
Research Fellow
許雅儒 / Hsu, Ya-Ju
許雅儒 / Hsu, Ya-Ju
Research Fellow
許雅儒 / Hsu, Ya-Ju
Research Fields:Earthquake Cycle Deformation, Geodesy, Mechanics of Fault Zones, Lithosphere Rheology
+886-2-2783-9910 ext. 1415
Research interest

My research focuses on studying the earthquake cycle deformation of the continental thrust faults and megathrust faults at subduction zones. I use GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System), seismic, and geological data to investigate fault coupling, frictional properties, fault zone rheology, and slow-moving landslides. In particular, exploring fault rupture scenarios prior to the occurrence of megathrust earthquake is crucial for urban hazard mitigation and tsunami predictions. Seafloor geodetic measurements are crucial to study the spatial extent of the locked zone and transient slip events on the subduction megathrust. My research group and I have investigated different seafloor geodetic techniques including GNSS-acoustic observations and ocean-bottom absolute pressure gauge, aiming at establish a geodetic observatory network in the Taiwan plate boundary zone for understating the basic science and hazard of megathrust earthquakes.
