My research focus on characterizing aseismic tectonic deformation (e.g, postseismic slip, slow slip event) using diverse
geodetic (GPS, strainmeters, ...) and seismic data to investigate the relationship between aseismic slip and seismicity
changes (e.g., seismic swarms, repeating earthquakes, nonvolcanic tremors, ambiant noise, ...). I also work on fault
mechanics and particularly on the stress conditions during a slow rupture (static/dynamic Coulomb stress changes)
and investigate frictional properties and fault rheology. I am also interested in detecting, characterizing the source
mechanisms and modeling transient environmental phenomena, whether they are naturally induced (e.g., typhoons, ...)
or seismically-induced (seismic seiches, air pressure variations, ...). I also take advantage of the high-sensitivity
of strainmeters to observe and model various crustal perturbations: seismic sources, solid-Earth and ocean tides,
typhoons, groundwater changes and also study problems related to sensor calibration.