1. 地震源破裂過程研究:開發以地震儀陣列資料成像地震源破裂過程的新方法並應用於瞭解台灣與鄰近地區大地震之震源特性,致力于減低大地震威脅。完成2004年南亞引發海嘯大地震、2006年屏東地震及2008年中國四川汶川大地震的震源初始及整體破裂過程研究。 Source Rupture Processes Study: Apply seismic array data to image source rupture processes of large earthquakes of Taiwan and its surrounding area to analysis earthquake source properties and to reduce its potential seismic hazards.
2. 地球深部構造的觀測與研究:在台灣本島完成數條線性地震觀測站陣列,推求台灣地區速度構造及莫荷面的幾何形貌。參與TAIGER實驗推求台灣南部平原的淺層速度梯度。參與建立越南北部地區寬頻地震網進行地體構造研究。致力於開展寬頻地震儀陣列的觀測並應用以瞭解地殼精細構造,訖求瞭解地震波放大特性並應用於具體之地震減災目標。 Observation and investigation of Earth deep structure: Conducted several seismic linear array across Taiwan islands to determine its deep crustal structure and Moho geometry. Joint TAIGERT project to investigate the shallow velocity gradient of the southwestern Taiwan plain. Deployed seismic network and linear array of northern Vietnam to investigate its deep structure and tectonic evolution. Conducted broadband seismic array observations to investigate fine crustal structure and its propagation effects to reduce its potential seismic hazards.
3. 建立南中國海跨國地震觀測網與推動區域地震研究,吸收國際研究生及周邊國家研究人員來台參與地震研究,推動南中國海聯合地震網的建立與資料共享,訖求建立對馬尼拉海溝大地震之預警與速報系統,減少海嘯與地震對核三場及南台灣之威脅。 Developed seismic array across the South China Sea (SCS) countries and promoted regional earthquake studies, invited researchers of its surrounding countries and international graduate student to study in Taiwan. Promoted the joint seismic array across the SCS and data sharing. Hope to construct the early warning system of earthquake and tsunami to monitor the large earthquakes of the Manila trench region to reduce its hazards of the southern Taiwan (included the nuclear Power Plant number 3).
4. 參與新興領域地震學開發與研究: (1).提出以地震儀陣列資料分析地震波傳播引起之地動旋轉並應用新發展之高頻GPS資料共同理解地震引致之地動旋轉特性。(2).利用衛星與高解析地震網資料研究核爆,聯合地表變識確認震央。(3).以GPS資料分析大地震震波引致電離層擾動,探討地表地動引致電離層擾動之機制。 Attending development of multi-discipline new seismic studies. Proposed to extract rotation ground motion using seismic array observations and high rate GPS data. Used satellite image and seismic records to locate and ground truth nuclear explosion site. Using double frequencies GPS signals to identify ionosphere total electronic content (TEC) perturbation to investigate the mechanism of TEC perturbation induced by ground motion.