My primary research interests are focused on using various isotope systems, especially novel stable isotopes, to study changing climate and environment over different time scales and the potential impacts of climate change on different calcifying organisms. I am particularly interested in applying isotope tools to study paleoceanography, dust and sediment transportation, and biogeochemistry. My current research topics include:
• Applying δ11B-pH proxy in marine biogenic carbonate archives to reconstruct coastal seawater pH records
• Using δ11B, δ13C, and PIC/POC ratios to evaluate the impact of ocean acidification on multiple species of coccolithophores
• Investigating the abilities of multiple marine calcifying species in different phylum to regulate their calcifying fluid pH in response to different levels of ocean acidification via δ11B analysis
• Tracing dust sources and its transportation pathway in Arctic region by applying radiogenic Sr isotope, Rb/Sr and Fe/Ti ratios, and also the size fractions of dust in sea ice.